Monday, April 16, 2012

This is an assignment that Kristine sent to me, I think there are some good ideas here.

I couldn't figure out how to attach it as documents, so I pasted it here.

Jewelry 1
Project 1: Research Project and Presentation

Guidelines for written report:
! Paper needs to be three (3) pages long, plus and title page and a bibliography page (total 5 pages)
$           If pictures or illustrations are included, they do not count as part of the three pages. It would be better to include them in the oral report visuals.
! Paper must be typed in the following format: 
$           12 pt. font, Times New Roman
$           .75 margins
$           double-spaced
! There must be a minimum of three (3) references, properly annotated on your bibliography page
$           One reference must be from an actual book
$           One reference may be from an online source, but not Wikipedia
$           The third reference may come from a book, a periodical, or an online reference other than Wiki.
! Oral Report will be 2 minutes long.  Oral Report will be taken from the written report.  
                        Half (½) of the research grade will come from the oral presentation. 
! A power-point presentation or other visual aides should be used as part of the Oral Report.

! We will spend two days in the writing lab and library gathering information and working on the reports.  Any additional time needed to complete the assignment beyond that will be up to you.
Research Project Ideas: 

Turquoise, origins and mining
Diamond history
Diamond Cutting
Diamond mining
Properties of gold
Gold mining
Fabrication of jewelry
Lost wax casting of jewelry
Lapidary work
Native American jewelry
Star Sapphires and rubies
Laboratory grown sapphires, rubies, and diamonds
History of Silversmithing
Silver mining in Utah
Crown jewels of ( a European country you choose)
Egyptian jewelry
Celtic jewelry
Sumerian jewelry
Hellenistic Jewelry
Etruscan jewelry
Cubic zirconia
History of cultured pearls
Fresh water pearl farms
History of Birthstones
Chinese Jewelry
Jewelry of Central and South America
Mexican Silver
Victorian Jewelry
Art Deco Jewelry
Gemstone shapes and cutting
Moku Gane
Millefiori Beads
Lampwork beads
            Project Due: ______________________

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